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Impacts of Trauma: Parenting Through the Hard Times
You know that many children have experienced different forms trauma and that this can have lasting effects on their lives but now you need to know what to do.
PlayI'm Caring For a Child - Now What?
You have invested and spent a lot of time and energy to get to this point. As this child joins your family, you want the transition to be as smooth as possible for...
PlayHelp You Embrace Openness in Adoption
By now, you probably know why you should do open adoption, but the question you may still have is how? This webinar helps you de-mystify open adoption..
PlayGrief and Loss in Adoption
Participants will learn how each part of the adoption triad experiences loss and grief, how adoption affects children and how grief is seen in their behaviors...
PlayHelping Adopted Children Increase Executive Functioning
Executive functions in the brain help children develop skills of teamwork, decision-making, critical thinking, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Many children with a history of prenatal exposures, stress/trauma, and foster care or adoption have learning difficulties, especially problems with higher-order learning. This talk will help you identify lagging executive skills and support children better, at home and at school.
PlayBehaviors and Emotional Needs
Participants will learn about the frustration cycle of adoption, acquire knowledge of the non-verbal effects of adoption, learn how a child's history can impact current behavior and emotions and learn about family protective factors and action plans for parents.
PlayDepression after adoption
Participants will learn how a new adoptive parent can experience similar features of postpartum depression. This webinar will review symptoms, treatment, risk factors...
PlayBrain Development and Trauma
Bethany Christian Services is please to offer training resources specifically developed for adoptive parents about brain development and trauma as it relates to...