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What would you do to protect your kids?

With survival on the line, Central American parents are making impossible choices to protect their children. Transitional Foster Care helps keep kids safe until they can be reunited with a parent or family member.

Stronger together: Following Christ's call to love our neighbors

As part of the Year of the Bible, we hope you'll enjoy our first devotional, focused on Christ's calling to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Woman cares for children while living in refugee camp

Every day, families around the world are forced to flee their homes and their countries because of political and economic instability. Oftentimes, individuals flee to neighboring countries in search of food, health care, income, and safety.

After 20 years of being trafficked, woman plans for stronger future

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. It's the exploitation of a human being through the means of force, fraud, or coercion, with the goal of benefiting from the victim's labor or sexual commerce. When victims escape, they need support getting back to normal life.

Ethiopian families and alternative family-based care

In response to the worldwide orphan crisis, we connect children in need with families in their country of origin.

My foster mom welcomed me and gave me hope

After escaping gang violence in El Salvador, a refugee teen found safety, hope, and a welcoming foster mom in the U.S.

Families instead of orphanages

Family-based care offers a proven solution to protect vulnerable children around the world. Through partnerships with local child welfare organizations, we prevent families from placing children in orphanages.

The changing landscape of international adoption: Where we’ve been and where we’re going

Bethany spearheads efforts to change the emphasis from bringing children to the U.S. to instead finding adoptive homes for children in their home countries.

Helping women make a plan

The women seeking help with unplanned pregnancies today aren’t who you think.

Los planes que Dios tenía para mí

Luchando contra la adicción y enfrentando un embarazo no planeado, una madre expectante eludió una clínica de aborto, visitó un centro de recursos para el embarazo y dio a su criatura en adopción.

Your support changes lives