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The journey of a refugee family

When violence forces a family to flee their home to a neighboring country, their world is turned upside down. Discover the journey of a family resettling in the U.S.


Opening the conversation

As Brendan and Ciera considered adoption, they assumed they would adopt in birth order—meaning children younger than their two biological kids. But they were soon moved by the high rates of homelessness for teen boys in their community.


"We're called to help"

For Marla and Robert, short-term immigrant foster care is an opportunity to be a part of the solution to the crisis of immigrant children coming across the border without their parents.


On the streets of Bogotá

With no way to pay rent, Jeidi and her kids were evicted. As they wandered hungry through the streets of Bogotá, Jeidi couldn't see the future anymore.

How fostering will change your child’s life

As a biological child of foster parents, Alexis grew up with kids in foster care who became like brothers and sisters. Fostering has shaped her just as it has her parents and the teens who have spent time with their family.

What are the requirements to be a foster parent?

Learn age, space, and work requirements for becoming a foster parent.

They don't walk alone

Each day, thousands walk the Ruta de Caminantes between Venezuela and Colombia, seeking safety and refuge. This is one family’s journey.

As a new foster parent, is it OK to ask for help?

It can be hard to ask for help—especially if you’re afraid others will think you don’t know what you’re doing or you’re not doing a good job. Learn why asking for help is OK!

Change begins at home

When Mia’s behaviors escalated, she was hospitalized for months because local residential care facilities would not admit her. Intensive, home-based intervention made it possible for her to come home again.

Maternal health

Bethany’s services focus on the best interest of the child and the family. That can mean promoting breastfeeding where we are present around the world.

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