Rebuilding after the earthquake
Not only did Guerdie lose her home in the 2010 Haitian earthquake, but she also lost her six-year-old son.
Guerdie, her husband, and their four surviving children made their way into a tent city. There, families built shelters from meager sheets and nearby debris. Entire neighborhoods slept outside. Access to food, water, and help were just out of reach.
Eventually, their tent deteriorated, leaving them with nowhere to go.
Geurdie started hearing rumors of families relocating to the Canaan region, several miles north of Port-au-Prince. She traveled to Canaan to find out more information, but soon learned she was unable to afford land.
Determined to regain a sense of peace for her family, Guerdie traveled to Canaan every day for several weeks. Finally, she secured a small piece of land for her family to call their own.
The six-member family built a one-room metal shelter to share. Families in Canaan began building roads and other basic infrastructures such as small school buildings. Guerdie’s husband sold ice in the streets, but didn’t earn enough money to provide for their family’s needs.
Then, Guerdie’s family was introduced to Bethany’s Family Preservation and Empowerment program through the local church. Guerdie’s sponsors made it possible for her four children to enroll in school and start at the beginning of the year.
The couple still live with their children in the one-room shelter, but they’re now saving enough money to build a bigger home soon. Their children share dreams common to children around the world – become a soccer player or classroom teacher.
“Without this program, life would still be so hard after the earthquake,” said Guerdie. “We don’t worry about tuition fees or basic needs for our kids. Sponsorship helps us have a better life.”
Guerdie and her family are empowered to take charge of their future and build a life of independence.
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