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From zero intentions to 100 kids in care

From zero intentions to 100 kids in care  Banner Image

Tim and Michelle had zero intention of becoming foster parents. But when they learned that children right in their community needed caring families, everything changed. After prayer and consideration, they welcomed two siblings into their home and started an incredible journey into foster care—one that neither had expected.

“Autumn was this 8-year-old firecracker of a girl with missing front teeth,” Michelle said. “Craig was a shy 10-year-old boy who worked his way into our hearts.”

Months later, Tim and Michelle welcomed Craig and Autumn’s 4-year-old sibling, Devon, to their home. They simply had to keep the siblings together.

“That’s when we decided it wasn’t about us,” Michelle said. “It was about the kids, and there was no reason we could think of to say no. They’d already endured so much.”

Tim and Michelle kept saying “yes” to children in need of foster care in the U.S.—over and over and over again. What began with no intention of fostering turned into a six-year journey with over 112 children in their care.

And every step of the way, Bethany has been there, helping Tim and Michelle navigate the challenges and celebrate the joys of fostering.

“God has been generous to my family by stretching us beyond our comfort zone,” Michelle said. “We’ve been shown that we’re capable of so much more than we knew.”

Some people are born wanting to become foster parents. For others, their desire to help children in foster care comes as a surprise. If you fall into either category, we want to help you open your home to children.

Become a foster parent