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Created for connection

by Ted Ancelet

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Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

Matthew 19:13-15


In the first century, it was common practice to bring children to respected men of God to have them bless and pray for the child. The practice included laying hands on the child as the blessing and prayers were spoken. It was a subtle but intimate gesture, connecting the spiritual and physical worlds: the spoken prayer, physical touch, and spiritual blessing all woven together in a single, loving act.

So, if this was common practice, why did the disciples rebuke people?

While the response from the disciples does seem harsh, we shouldn’t be too tough on them. As they walked with Jesus, they took on a roll of filtering those who were allowed to get through to him.

At this point in his ministry, Jesus had become an important and popular teacher. It could be that they thought there were just too many people and there was not enough time. They were trying to help but missed the point.

In an effort to be efficient, they lost sight of what was important. Jesus not only wanted to bless the children with a spoken word, he wanted to bless the children with his nearness and kindness.

Our faith is both spiritual and physical. This passage reminds us that, while it is important to pray for others, it’s also important to be physically present. When we are, we not only communicate solidarity but also embody God’s grace and love.

Presence matters. Our words and actions become an expression of a spiritual blessing wrapped in flesh so it can be experienced.

We were created for connection. But over the last two months, we’ve lived with a new reality of “social distancing.” Experts are now warning of the impact prolonged isolation has on our mental and emotional health.

Texas Medical Center recently posted an article titled Touch Starvation. The author opens with, “Positive human touch is an integral part of human interaction.” While we must be wise and careful, we also need to recognize we are not created to live in isolation. As human beings, we need both affirming words and loving company.

This is true of each of us as adults and especially true of children. This story of Jesus’ interaction with children is recorded in three of the four Gospels, emphasizing its importance. We should take note. While he walked on the earth, Jesus had a special place in his heart for children—and we believe he still does today.

Deeper Engagement To dive deeper into the importance of presence, read Philippians 2:4-11 and reflect on the following: How is God’s love for you demonstrated in Christ? How has his presence blessed your life? In light of his life, how are you to live yours?

At Bethany, one of the ways we manifest the love and compassion of Jesus is through our refugee foster care program.

Every day, more than 40,000 families around the world are forced to flee their homes due to violence, war, famine, natural disasters, and persecution.

Refugees resettling in the U.S. have experienced a difficult journey. When Bethany helps a child find a safe, loving foster home, that child feels safe, loved, and supported—following Jesus’ example.

Refugee foster families step up to provide a home for unaccompanied minors who have often been separated from their families for years. Visit our website for more information.


Father, my greatest blessing is not what you do for me but your steadfast presence with me. No matter what trial, struggle, or chaos I face, you promise to never leave me or forsake me. Your presence fills me with peace. As I rest in you, I also recognize that Christ is not only the means of our salvation but also the model for how to live my life here on Earth.

In your Son’s precious name, Amen.

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