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We can work together to help this child

A foster mom shares how and why she began building relationships with her foster kids’ parents, and the difference that trust has made for everyone.

Parents aren’t the problem; they’re the solution

A growing movement in child welfare is focusing on keeping children safe with parents, not from parents. And that one word makes all the difference.

3 foster parents confront common myths 

I’m too old.” “I’m single.” “I’ve never parented before.” None of this will stop you from being an incredible foster parent for vulnerable kids!

A place of welcome: transitional foster care as an extension of biblical hospitality

A foster parent shares the joys and challenges of opening her home to unaccompanied children.

Addressing questions and concerns about unaccompanied children and short-term immigrant foster care

The crisis at the border is complicated and divisive. But helping unaccompanied children is a faith statement, not a political one.

A new family after the accident

After her son's devastating accident, Sandra decided to become a foster parent for teenage boys.


Unaccompanied minors at the border: What’s happening and how you can help

Thousands of unaccompanied children crossing the border need safe and loving foster homes now.

4 things to know about adopting sibling groups

By adopting siblings, you’re helping children who have already been through unimaginable loss be together with their brothers and sisters in the same home—rather than being separated into multiple families.

Our why: Changing the world through family

While it’s true that our what and our how have evolved through the years, our why remains: we want to change the world through family.

The keys to open relationships after foster care adoption

Adoptive parent and Bethany parent specialist, Mandy Taylor, shares 6 incredible tips for maintaining relationships with biological families after an adoption through foster care.

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